Permission to Pause: A Productivity Boost

Permission to Pause: A Productivity Boost

 In a world obsessed with productivity, the idea of "doing nothing" feels almost rebellious. We live in a culture that glorifies busyness, where stillness is often mistaken for laziness. But what if doing nothing isn't actually doing nothing? What if it's the most productive thing we can do for ourselves?

We've been thinking a lot about this lately because, like many people, we're always doing something.... Take a moment to consider this: Have you ever felt so overwhelmed that even resting feels like just another task? We have to manage our time for work, home, and even for relaxation because, of course, rest requires a strategy, too. We've learned that stillness isn't about being inactive; it's about having intention. In that stillness, we can find space for connection, clarity, and calm.

Is Doing Nothing Really Doing Nothing?

When we let go of the need to be productive every moment, we create room to reconnect—with ourselves, our real needs, our surroundings, and even our creativity. Stillness is not a space—it's a reset, so it's important not to take it lightly. 

Brené Brown, in her TED Talk on vulnerability, reminds us that "we cannot selectively numb emotions." When we block out stress or discomfort by staying busy, we also block joy, creativity, and peace. By embracing stillness—even for a few minutes—we allow ourselves to feel, process, heal and make better decisions.


What Science Says About Stillness

Experts have long studied the benefits of rest and stillness on the mind and body:

  1. An article by Kirsten Weir titled "Give me a break" explores how breaks can improve our moods, overall well-being, and performance capacity
  2. Emily Boynton discusses the health benefits of taking breaks, including how they help maintain mental and physical health by calming the central nervous system and shifting brain states
  3. "You Should Take More Breaks During Work. Here’s How to Make Time for Yourself" by Kaitlyn Wells. This article explores how taking breaks can boost productivity and overall well-being.
  4. "The Importance of Self-Care: How Taking Breaks Fuels Productivity" by Very Big Brain. This article discusses the science behind why breaks are essential for recharging the mind and improving focus

          For a deeper dive into this, consider watching these insightful TED Talks:

          In our own lives, we've felt it. It is essential to take breaks, but let's dive on how to get there

          How We're Learning to Practice the Art of Doing Nothing

          This challenge has been interesting for us, so we invite you to consider giving yourself permission to pause—not as a luxury but as a necessity. Here are a few ways we're practicing this:

          Take a walk with no step goals or fitness trackers—just you and the world. Listen to the sound of your steps, the rustling leaves. Let the walk be about being, not achieving.

          Sit without a plan: find a cozy spot at home and grab your blanket. Leave your phone in another room and play your favorite song. Stare out the window, let your mind wander, or close your eyes and breathe.

          Increase your morning hours: as discussed on the small rituals blog, taking a small space in the mornings is vital to start a day full of energy; it is a routine that has changed our lives. Try taking time for yourself, just a short breath, to think of what you want to achieve in your day!

          Reflect with gratitude:  Before bed, pause and grab your journal. Let your thoughts flow freely without structure; allow the moment to be. Think of a small thing that made you smile: enjoying a warm cup of tea or resting your head on a soft pillow; the minor gifts matter.


            Permission to Pause

            This weekend, We invite you to join us in not being productive. No checklists, no goals—just existence. Let yourself be:

            We don't have to earn rest. We deserve it simply because we exist.

            So, as the weekend approaches, consider this your gentle reminder: Stop thinking that free time means that you need to be available, it means that you deserve a time for you! At Damara, we believe success isn’t about doing more... it’s about being more:

            ✨ Being kind—to yourself and others
            ✨ Being content—with the small, meaningful moments
            ✨ Being unhurried—finding peace in the pause
            ✨ Being healthy—in body, mind, and spirit


            With love,

            The Damara Team

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